The Los Angeles Convention Center services a wide array of events, hosting an average of 300 events annually. The Center is the destination of choice for major conventions, trade shows, exhibitions, meetings and special events. We offer our clients multi-functional event space, curated food & beverage options, advanced technological functionality, and first-class service. Our dedicated team of event managers and service providers is committed to ensuring each and every event is successful.

At the Los Angeles Convention Center, we stand by our clients from beginning to end, and actively collaborate in all areas of event planning and execution.  


ASM Global was formed from the merger of AEG Facilities and SMG in October 2019 creating a venue management powerhouse that spans five continents, 14 countries and more than 300 of the world’s most prestigious arenas, stadiums, convention and exhibition centers, and performing arts venues. Operated by ASM Global, the Los Angeles Convention Center attracts more than 2 million visitors annually and is renowned internationally as a leading destination for conventions, trade shows, and exhibitions.  

To learn more about ASM Global and the exciting new ways we can serve you, click here to visit our website.  


With over 60 awards bestowed since transitioning to private management, the Center has been recognized as a leader in the events industry, providing exceptional facilities and excellent service to patrons for decades. The Center also proudly serves to benefit the local community and is a champion of environmental sustainability. The team is committed to excellence and we are constantly enhancing our services to create a memorable and pleasant experience for our clients and their guests.  


  • Center of Excellence – Best Convention Center 500,000 – 1 million square feet - EXHIBITOR Magazine
  • Marcom Award – Employee Publication – Internal Newsletter
  • Smart Start Award – Best Convention Centers – Smart Meetings
  • Hermes Gold Award – Interactive Media | Social Media Campaign:  #EcoMondays
  • Los Angeles Green Business Certification – California Green Business Network
  • Communitas Award – Excellence in Community Service – Company Community Service


  • Corporate Event Venue of the Year - West Coast USA – LuxLife Hospitality Awards
  • Communitas Award – Leadership in Community Service:  Company Sponsored Volunteer Project (Los Angeles Regional Food Bank)
  • Communitas Award – Excellence in Corporate Social Responsibility, Ethical and Environmental
  • Center of Excellence - Best Convention Center 500,000 – 1 million square feet - EXHIBITOR Magazine
  • Center of Excellence - Best Customer Service & On-Site - EXHIBITOR Magazine
  • Prime Site Award - Facilities & Destinations Magazine
  • Hermes Gold Award –Print Media/ Publications/Newsletter- Monthly Employee Newsletter
  • Hermes Award (Honorable Mention) – Print Media / Advertising / Flyer – Community Service Volunteer Drives


  • MarCom Gold Award - Strategic Communications | Special Event: LACC Hall of Fame
  • Center of Excellence - EXHIBITOR Magazine
  • Prime Site Award - Facilities & Destinations Magazine


  • Global Green Business Award – Best Meeting & Convention Facility – California
  • Center of Excellence - EXHIBITOR Magazine
  • Prime Site Award - Facilities & Destinations Magazine
  • Safe Site Designee – Facilities & Destinations
  • MarCom Gold Award – Social Media Engagement: 50th Anniversary Social Media Awareness


  • Center of Excellence – EXHIBITOR Magazine
  • Prime Site Award - Facilities & Destinations Magazine
  • USGBC LEED EB:O+M Gold Recertified
  • Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Sustainability Award - 3rd Place


  • Center of Excellence – EXHIBITOR Magazine
  • Prime Site Award - Facilities & Destinations Magazine
  • Certificate of Excellence – Trip Advisor
  • LADWP Sustainability Award – 3rd Place
  • Los Angeles Better Buildings Challenge (LABBC) Innovation Award – Walk the Walk Energy Category


  • Communitas Award – Leadership in Community Service and Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Communitas Award – Excellence in Corporate Social Responsibility, Green Initiatives
  • MarCom Gold Award – Website Category
  • MarCom Honorable Mention – Internal Newsletter
  • AEG 1EARTH Green Medal Winner – Best Waste Reduction Project
  • AEG 1EARTH Green Medal Winner 3rd Place – People’s Choice Award
  • Prime Site Award - Facilities & Destinations Magazine
  • Certificate of Excellence – Trip Advisor
  • Hermes Creative Award – Platinum, Print Media, Annual Report Category
  • County of Los Angeles 10th Annual Green Leadership Awards – Business/Private Sector Category
  • Governor’s Environmental and Economic Leadership Award (GEELA) – Waste Reduction Category


  • MarCom Platinum Award - Annual Report Category - American Marketing Association
    • The Center's Annual Report went through a redesign to provide a presentation of the building's fiscal year accomplishments in a fresh and innovative way. The American Marketing Association awarded the Center with a Platinum Award for marketing communication and design.
  • Creativity Silver Award - Annual Report Category 
  • Facilities & Destinations Prime Site Award - Facilities & Destinations Magazine
  • Certificate of Excellence - Trip Advisor
  • Governor's Environmental and Economic Leadership Award
  • Business Hall of Fame Award - Los Angeles Business Journal


  • LADWP Sustainability Award: Water Management
    • The Center was recognized for the toilet retrofit project where more than 700 toilets were replaced with modern low-flush toilets, reducing gallons per flush (GPF) from 1.6 GPF to 1.28 GPF and waterless urinals were installed in the venue’s South Hall. This project is forecasted to reduce water consumption by 20% - 25% annually.
  • Best Sustainability Initiative Engagement - Greeny Award (AEG 1Earth)  
  • Outstanding Leadership in Sustainability - Greeny Award (AEG 1Earth)
  • Facilities & Destinations Prime Site Award - Facilities & Destinations Magazine
  • Certificate of Excellence - Trip Advisor
  • Business Hall of Fame Award - Los Angeles Business Journal
  • IAVM Venue Excellence Award
    • The Venue Excellence Award recognizes five IAVM venues of any type within the membership which demonstrate excellence in the management and operation of public assembly venues. In order to win the award, the Center had to excel in the following areas: Operational Excellence, which includes sales and marketing, customer satisfaction, sustainability, and financial integrity; Teambuilding and Professional Development; Safety and Security; and Service to the Community.


  • USGBC LEED EB:O+M GOLD Recertified
  • USGBC-LA Sustainable Innovation Award: Materials & Resources Category
  • Facilities & Destinations Prime Site Award - Facilities & Destinations Magazine
  • Business Hall of Fame Award - Los Angeles Business Journal
  • County of Los Angeles Commendation (AEG) - LA Veterans and Families Stand Down


  • Good Food Purchasing Program - City of Los Angeles & the 13th Council District


  • Prime Site Award - Facilities & Destinations Magazine


  • Facilities & Destinations Magazine - Facilities & Destination Prime Site Award


  • Industry Award Leader - Los Angeles Business Journal
  • Green Building Award - Los Angeles Business Council
  • Quality and Productivity Awards for “Journey To Be Green Turns Gold” 
  • Graphic Design USA Award - American Graphic Design Award
  • Best Venue Award - City of Los Angeles Commission
  • Readers Choice Best of Downtown by the Downtown News


  • Community Impact Award - Los Angeles Business Council
  • CAPE Eureka Award - California Awards for Performance Excellence
  • USGBC LEED-EB O&M Gold Certification - U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC)
  • LEED-EB Certified 2008

Facility Improvement Projects

First opened to the public in 1971, the Los Angeles Convention Center has since undergone modernization and expansion; as a testament to our continuous effort to enhance our facility and services, the Center has completed numerous Alteration & Improvement Projects as well as Capital Improvement Projects. These critical projects have enhanced both functionality and aesthetics of the Center and include:  

  • The installation of a 2.21-megawatt solar array that significantly reduces our carbon footprint 
  • Addition of a rooftop garden 
  • Upgraded the parking system to expedite transaction time 
  • EV Charging stations in the parking garages 
  • Added hundreds of digital security cameras throughout the facility  
  • Replaced existing carpet   
  • Installed the latest energy-efficient products such as “cool roofs” and new air handling units  
  • Replaced restroom and kitchen faucets and dishwashers with low-flow equipment  
  • Installed water-filling stations throughout the facility to aid in the diversion of single-use plastic bottles  
  • Remodeled the Theater (411)  
  • Upgraded Café furniture  
  • Added new modern lobby furniture throughout the facility  
  • Upgraded IT infrastructure and operating systems throughout the Center  

The Center continues to upgrade the facility. Stay tuned for updates.

Community Relations

Environmental Sustainability

The Los Angeles Convention Center is committed to reducing our environmental impact. We do so through ongoing efforts to save energy and water, recycle, purchase environmentally preferable products and help raise awareness of environmental issues.  

View Sustainability Guide

Green Initiatives 

Please view our Green Initiatives below that we have implemented to minimize our environmental impact.  


 LEED EB: O+M Gold Recertified 2024, 2020, 2015, 2010 

  • First convention center of its size in the U.S. to be re-certified at the gold level

Energy Conservation & Renewable Energy

  • 2.21 megawatt solar array; total solar is now 2.58 megawatts, the largest solar array on a municipally owned convention center in the United States. See our current stats here.
  • Upgrade of over 3,000 exterior and interior lights (including those in exhibit halls) to LED lamps (70% of lamps have been replaced to date) with projected savings of over 1.5 million kWh annually
  • Installed CO2 sensors in parking garages that will save 2 million Kilowatt Hours and $200,000 annually
  • Our “cool roof” and light defusing windows reflect sunlight and heat away from the building
  • (20) Level 2 EV chargers installed in South and West Parking Garages
  • Installation of (22) 50-gallon water barrels along dock and garages to capture rainwater for facility exterior cleaning, repurposing over 60 tons of water since 2019

Water Conservation

  • 80% of sprinklers have been replaced with more efficient, leak-preventing models.
  • Implemented an irrigation zoning plan to cut water waste; in some zones total irrigation time (in minutes) has decreased by more than 50%
  • Low flush toilets, restroom and kitchen faucets, and industrial dishwashers conserve over 1.5 million gallons of water annually.
  • Replaced 710 toilets throughout the facility with low gallon-per-flush models reducing water consumption for toilet use is projected to decrease by 20-25%.
  • Replaced 30,000 square feet of turf around the facility with drought-tolerant landscaping; estimated water conservation of 320,000 gallons/per year.
  • Installed 0.5 GPM water misers and aerators to over 300 faucets throughout the facility.
  • Installation of water misers and aerators is estimated to save 500,000 gallons of water annually.

Recycling & Waste Diversion

  • Waste Diversion Annual Average: 70% or above
  • Implemented front of house organic collection, adding 40 bins overall to each recycling station in public spaces and food outlets. This allowed LACC to extend the option to attendees and guests to participate in the food waste initiatives set by the state of California
  • Automated waste capturing program for all waste removal request and service needs to (7) total dedicated compactors for landfill, recycling, and organics resulting in estimated 680-tons of mixed recycling diversion in FY2022- 2023.
  • As of December 2020, the Center diverted more than 9.4 million pounds of construction and demolition waste since 2014
  • As of December 2020, the Center recycled more than 2.3 million pounds of cardboard, glass, aluminum, plastic, and paper since 2014
  • Highest diversion rate for single event: a recording breaking 90.3% for US Green Build Council Annual (USGBC) 2016
  • Waste and recycling bins inside facility made from 97% recycled milk jugs
  • Pack in/out Policy: Encouraging over 45% of events to repurpose or consider reusable equipment for future events, rehouse items throughout their local partners, and reduce single use products within exhibits. 650 tons of reusable items diverted from landfilled in FY 2022-2023. 
  • In conjunction with Taste of LA by Levy Restaurants, rolled out a beta testing version of the CareIt app, a food donation technology that makes it easy for businesses and institutions to donate surplus food and goods directly to local nonprofits. This app is approved on the SB1383 as a certified donor.

Sustainable Product Purchasing

  • Sustainable purchases account for 80.58% of all ongoing consumables
  • Sustainable cleaning products and materials as a percentage of total cost of cleaning products and materials are at 83.51%
  • Installed 9,500 square feet rooftop garden with produce that will build on the food service program of 90% locally sourced food
  • Replaced all paper towel dispensers with more efficient models that have decreased paper towels purchasing by about 15,600 sheets per year
  • Plastic Bottle Ban: LACC is committed to the reduction of single-use plastics sales within our facility through refillable aluminum bottles sales and (22) water filling station throughout the facility in support of Los Angeles City mandate to eliminate use of single use plastics.
  • Ongoing partnership with LADWP water filling stations initiative throughout public spaces of facility.
  • Implemented straw-less program with Taste of LA by Levy Restaurants saving an estimated 250,000 straws annually. 

Education & Communication

  • Environmental education events include annual participation in Earth Hour, Earth Day and America Recycles Day
  • Employee Green Team created as a forum for employees to get involved in environmental issues at the Center
  • Environmental tips are posted weekly on social media (#ecoMonday) and monthly employee newsletter features new green tips
  • On-site trainings provided by waste hauling representative for staff and contractors (in-house and outside cleaning contractors) to assist with properly diverting all streams currently processed at the Center. Trainings also include specific overview of organics and compost recycling strategies to utilize at home and at work. Trainings included hands-on sorting exercises and a thorough explanation of SB1383 and how it affects businesses and your home.

Alternative Transportation

  • The Center encourages all employees, clients and guests to reduce their carbon footprint by considering alternative means of transportation to the facility. This includes carpooling, use of electric vehicles, public transportaion, walking and biking.
  • $100 per month transit subsidy for all employees
  • Accessible by Metro Expo Line, Red Line, and Purple Line, as well as several bus lines
  • (20) Level 2 EV chargers installed in the South and West Parking Garages


What You Can Do

We’re doing our best to reduce our environmental impact and hope you will join us in our efforts. Here are a few tips to make your visit to the Center more environmentally friendly:  

Consider walking, biking, taking public transit, or carpooling to avoid traffic, save on gas and parking, and reduce your carbon footprint. Get directions. 

Help us increase our recycling rate by placing all waste and recyclables into designated receptacles – if you aren’t sure where to put something, please ask!  

Use only as many disposable items (e.g., paper towels, napkins, utensils) as you need.

Take our Pack in / Pack out policy into account when planning your event.


The Los Angeles Convention Center is passionate about giving back to the local community and has developed partnerships with various non-profit organizations.  

At the conclusion of your event, left-over items such as canvas totes, gift bags, non-perishable food, furniture, etc. can be donated to local organizations. We encourage you to find the right non-profit organization prior to moving in so that arrangements can be made for a fast and efficient pick up. The team at the Center can assist with recommendations to local non-profits and/or logistics for donation pick-up. 

Please note: pack-in/pack-out practices should always be your first option and we encourage you to have conversations around these practices with your team and all stakeholders.

Community Volunteering 

The Center regularly organizes a minimum of two service days per year focused on giving back to our downtown community.  Employees enthusiastically dedicate their time to volunteering at a variety of organizations in Los Angeles.   

We also proudly support various health initiatives such as National Wear Red Day and environmental celebrations including Earth Day, Earth Hour, and America Recycles Day.  

Green Tip of the Week

Visit the Center's social media channels every Monday to learn new tips to easily reduce waste on a daily basis.  Follow the Los Angeles Convention Center on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram.  


Partnering with the Los Angeles Convention Center for our live event was an exceptional experience. The venue’s team demonstrated outstanding professionalism and commitment to ensuring every detail was perfect. Their state-of-the-art facilities, coupled with their responsive and supportive staff, made it easy for us to deliver a seamless and unforgettable experience for our attendees. We couldn’t have asked for a better venue and look forward to working together again in the future!

Zachary Alpern Head of Government Affairs and Business Development; Insomniac

Our experience at the Los Angeles Convention Center for the 2024 AAPM Annual Meeting was exceptional. The venue’s professionalism and support were instrumental in making our event a success. The staff was attentive and proactive, ensuring every detail was managed seamlessly. Attendees loved the spacious, well-lit areas that fostered networking and collaboration, enhanced by the natural sunlight streaming through the hallways. We couldn’t have asked for a better location and look forward to hosting future events here!

Linda Minor Meetings Manager; American Association of Physicists in Medicine

Our state hosted IPW, the largest international travel trade show in the United States at the Lost Angeles Convention Center (LACC) this year—the first in California since COVID, and the LACC was an integral partner in its success!

In addition to the trade show, we built out a multi-day, immersive activation on the Lindsey Gilbert Plaza, outside of the convention center, where attendees indulged in daily refreshments, activities, and entertainment. This activation was an incredible feat, and we could not have accomplished what we did without the constant support and collaboration of the excellent team at the LACC. From swift contract negotiations, many planning meetings and site visits, to onsite execution, the team was a trusted partner in every step of the project. They helped us build a unique activation that accomplished our vision and stretched their venue capabilities to new heights. They connected us with the appropriate organizations to keep us safe, compliant, and successful. We are grateful for talented partners who are problems solvers and dreamers alike!

Lana Kras Meetings & Events Manager; Visit California

I've attended the same 6000+ person industry conference for the past four years, three as an exhibitor and once leading a workshop. All were held at major big-city conference centers like the LA Convention Center. This experience was so much easier than the others. Logistics were simpler and access to the expo exhibit space was easier. It's the first conference I attended where everything was smooth and effortless. 

Barak Rosenbloom Founder and Chief Essay Mentor; EssayQuest